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Bike Repair 

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Marc Levin

Excellent and fast repair of my specialized road bike. The mechanic identified the issue quickly, and repaired my bike within 1 day. Great value as well. Would highly recommend this repair shop.

Professional Bike Repair

Bicycle maintenance is essential for keeping your ride smooth and efficient out there on the road, pathways and trails. There are many parts on your bike that may need adjustments or attention. From the simplest things such as keeping your chain lubed to a full service on your drive-train, wheels and brakes.  Whether you are a city commuter riding to work and back everyday, or a courier making busy deliveries all over the city, our dedicated technicians are here to help. At Repair and Run we are proud to service ALL MAKES AND MODELS, ensuring you and your bike are covered.

Untitled Document


Flat Tire Repair Front


Flat Tire Repair Rear


Back/Internal Gear Tire/Tube Replacement


Basic Tune-Up


Premium Tune-Up


Pro Tune-Up


Brake Adjustment


Shifting Adjustment


Cable and Housing Replacement


Brake Pad Set Replacement


Disc Brake Pad Replacement and Adjustment


Brake Bleeding


Bike Tune Up

 -  ABC’s of bike maintenance Air, Brakes, and Chain.

  A clean and properly tuned bike will always make your ride more enjoyable. Checking your bike ABC’s will help maintain the different components and ensure your bike is properly running.

- Air - Having properly inflated tires provides ideal ride quality and cushion for bumps and road hazards, while maintaining efficient top speed and distance. Brakes

- Brakes - are the most important part of any bike. They are the safety system for control. Make sure your brakes are tight and in correct working order and are able to bring your bike to a complete stop.

-Chain -  Make sure the chain, drive-train and gears are lubed up and clean and able to shift through all the gears on the bike smoothly. This is one of the most fundamental aspects to bike maintenance.

FAQs about Bike Repair

How often should I service my bike?

  This can vary drastically on how much your bike gets used. Typically, a yearly service or inspection at the beginning of the season is a good way to start to maintain the life of your bike. Of course, the more you may ride the more attention your bike will require as many parts such as brakes and tires wear down over time and need replacing. It is always better to practice good preventative maintenance measures instead of running into an unexpected problem while in the middle of your ride.

How much does it cost to service my bike?

  There are 200 different technical services that we offer to fully service any bike from start to finish. Every bike is different and will require different levels of attention based on the condition overall. Typically a bike would benefit most from a Basic Tune Up covering all the necessary checkpoints to get you back on the road. A simple repair could cost as little as 10$ for a headset adjustment, to upwards of hundreds of dollars for more extensive and labor intensive repairs.

How long does it take to fix my flat tire?
A flat tire can typically be fixed on the spot within 20 minutes or less by a seasoned technician.

''There are 200 different technical services that we offer to fully service any bike from start to finish... ''

Your bike deserves the best

Don’t replace your bike, repair it with us to ride with peace of mind.

We repair and perform maintenance on all your Bikes with the highest quality.

Visit us in-store, or we’ll come to you!

Some of the Bicycle brands we repair :

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3T Cinelli Fyxation Maniacc Phoenix Springdale
Achiele Circuit Gardin Mariah Pinarello Spyder
Aggressor Clicli Garneau Marin Pixel State
Alpine Colnago Gary Fisher Marinoni Polarna State Cycle
Alvas Colorado Gazelle Maruish Poliquin Steelwool
Animator Colossi Genesis Masi Praita Step
Apollo Columbia Geshing Maxam Prince Stepthrough
Aquila Commuter Ghost Mec Prologue Stevens
Arashi Concorde Giant Medalist Protour Stickered
Arctic Conti Giantex Medallion Pure Sunday
Argon Critical Gioda Mercalli Purefix Sunpeed
Ariel Crosscut Giordano Ligero Mercier Python Super
Arrow Cycle Glider Metakoo Raleigh Supercycle
Ascente Cyclemania Global Daily Micargi Rally Surly
Autobike Cyclemotive Globe Miele Random Suteki
Avigo Cypress Golden Migarki Redline Tango
Babboe Dahon Gotryer Mikado Regal Telluride
Bacchetta Damco Granville Millenium Reid Tempo
Baitbike Damour Grater Minelli Retrospec Tern
Bakfiets Davinci Gt Miyata Revelo Thrive
Baler Dawes Guange Modrod Revolution Time
Ballant Decathlon Hang Mogoo Ride Tokyo
Barletta Detroit Bikes Haro Mongoose Ridgeback Tolirna
Basic Diadora Heart Monshee Ridgeland Tommasso
Batavus Diamond Highland Monta Ridley Torker
Bca Diamondback Hiland Montague Rino Toulouse
Benjie Duster Hilano Moongoose Rize Tourna
Benotto Dynatech Hilop Moose Roadbike Tracy
Bertrand Easy Horizon Moto Rockey Transeo
Bianchi Ebatch Huff Motobecane Rockhopper Traveler
Bigly Eclipse Huffy Moulton Rockrider Trek
Bike Ededy Hybrid Movelo Rocky Triban
Billy Electra Hyper Movin Rodeo Trio
Bird Eliminator Infinity Mtb Rossi Triumph
Biria Envious Iron Multi Rossin Uchanu
Blade Envo Ironhorse Murray Royale Union
Bmc Eurobike Jamic Nakamura Rsd Urban
Boss Everyday Jamis Ncm Rusty Urbanite
Breezer Evo Jari New Sacred Urion
Brew Faggin Jeep Next Salsa Vainqueur
Brodie Fahrrahd Jetson Ninebot Sami Vanmoof
Brompton Fairdale K2 Nishiki Santacruz Velo
Bronco Favorit Kabuto Noco Santini Velo Sport
Brooklyn Felt Kalahari Noname Satellite Velosolex
Btwin Fiend Khs Norco Sb Venelo
Bullit Fiori Kona North Schielle Venture
Butter Firenze Kundstadt Northrock Schwinn Venture Ride
C4 Fixation Kunstadt Oco Scott Viking
Cafe Fixie Kuwahara Old Sekine Vilano
Cannondale Fj Lamin Olmo Sevenpeaks Vitaly
Canyon Fleetwing Landyachtz Onyx Shuttle Vitus
Capix Flori Leadermtb Opus Simcoe Volt
Cargo Flourish Lecircuit Orbea Simple Voom
Carleton Flx Legacy Oryx Single Voyageur
Carlton Focus Lejeune Ozark Sinlg Wicked
Carrera Folding Libero Panasonic Skyway Wooden
Ccm Forever Linus Pashley Slamer X-Country
Cervelo Fr8 Liv Pedalez Solorock Xsd
Chimo Frankenbike Louis Garneau Peugeot Specialized Yuba
Chopper Freeway Luis Philips Sport Yukon
Chrono Fuji Manhattan Phoenix Sportek Zed

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